
How do we operate?


Drivers are required to stop when an officer displays a notice (whether illuminated or not) bearing the words “STOP” or “RMS STOP”. A Fail to Stop breach report will be written if a driver fails to stop.


Inspectors are able to direct the driver of a vehicle up to thirty kilometres forward or five kilometres away from the drivers’ direction of travel in order to utilize a safer, more suitable weigh site. Worksites are set out using approved Traffic Control Plans


Prior to July, 2006 inspectors applied an Administrative Tolerance to all weighing procedures. This no longer occurs.

Measurement Adjustments

With the introduction of the Road Transport (General) Act 2013 each weigh site is now categorized and measurement adjustments are determined for the specific site. Once the calculation has been determined, this figure is subtracted from the readings obtained through the initial weighing procedure. The reason for this is to counter any irregularities that could occur due to the weighing conditions.

Breach Reports

Are written when a mass limit relating to mass, dimension or loading requirement under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (NSW) 2013 is exceeded.


When a breach report is processed the next step in most instances is the issue of an Penalty Notice. Severe overloads will result in the issue of a Court summons.

Full Presentation here Weight of Loads Group Presentation